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Words From The Runway

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Groove Life, Rings For An Active Lifestyle

My fiance and I spend as much time outdoors as our hectic-big-city-schedules can allow. We love hiking, climbing, and generally anything that will get your heart racing. When we got engaged, for the first time in the four years we’ve been rock climbing, I was genuinely nervous. “What am I going to do with my ring while I climb?

” Not only that, I struggled with the idea that I’d snag the band on something outdoors while camping or hiking and there goes my finger.

 So I started researching alternative options. Sure, I’m going to wear my engagement ring for years to come, but I shouldn’t have to restrict myself or refuse to engage in the activities that bring me so much joy, just because I’m worried about hurting myself or losing a ring—or worse–a finger. 


                                     (Images provided by Groove Life) 

Upon further Googling, I discovered that there were actually several companies out there that produce rings for active city-dwellers like myself. In fact, these companies weren’t just designing rings for the occasional athlete or part-time outdoor enthusiast, they were designing rings for the snowboarder, the equestrian rider, the everyday surfer, the agriculturalist, and anyone who requires the safety and security that silicone rings can provide. Yes, silicone. 

One such company that’s taking this niche market by storm is Groove Life, based out of Soldotna, Alaska and founded by Alaskan outdoor enthusiast Peter Goodwin. The husband, father, and die-hard smoked salmon consumer wanted to create a product that would enable individuals–who pursue activities that require someone to be a bit more hands-on–the ability to continue to show their commitment to their loved ones while also displaying an understanding and commitment to leading an active lifestyle.  


                                        (Images provided by Groove Life) 

What they’ve delivered isn’t just a lightweight, breathable, comfortable alternative to a more traditional metal based ring. They’ve delivered a sense of freedom. Peace of mind. Now you can hit the road, trail, surf, or snow at ease. 

Groove Life was kind enough to send us two custom alternative wedding bands–we just received them last week and couldn’t be happier! They truly are easy to wear, comfortable, and extremely smooth–I keep finding myself running my finger along the band–we aren’t wearing them full-time yet, but after we say I Do, I’m sure we’ll be sporting our Groove Life rings non-stop. 


Did I mention that they are indeed customizable, you can choose from a multitude of colors–like pink/white, purple/pink, white, black/red, glacier-blue, orange…you get the idea. Then choose your size and whether or not you want an image, text, or monogram. The best part? They are so affordable you can swap them out daily if you wanted to. 

The rings come in a modest black metal tin with white Groove Ring scrolled across the top. A crushed velvet stand holds each ring individually. 

So, I’m dying to know—who’s ready to get Grooving? Look for Groove Life rings online or in select specialty retailers nationwide. 

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