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Words From The Runway

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2017 Pink Pump Gala Recap

This past Sunday, Special Needs Network founder Areva Martin moderated a panel on “The Changing Face of Beauty” with the 2017 Pink Pump Gala honorees Jamie Brewer; you know her from the FX TV series “AHS” (American Horror Story) and as a fierce beauty advocate and ambassador of change for those living with DS.

Maxine Tatlonghari; award-winning founder of VanityGirlHollywood.com and Galina Sobolev; the fabulous fashion designer and creator of “Single Dress” and “Single Plus”, a line reinventing styles for women of all shapes and sizes.


   (Images provided by Leroy Hamilton and Diamond Dust Photography)

The topic of discussion ranged from how to grow with the evolving and ever-changing face of beauty in an industry that’s constantly positioning women in direct competition with one another; to how to succeed in business and push the conversation of female empowerment. It further propelled the question of how do we as a whole, uplift, and champion one another’s success for the greater good of all?


The panel discussion was an eye-opening experience that allowed influencers, journalists, and beauty insiders a rare look inside the lives and careers of these brave, passionate, and strong women. Jamie Brewer spoke of her time on-stage as the first female with DS to ever walk in New York Fashion Week. What an experience that was for her, “an overwhelming moment,” as she said, because of the magnitude of the achievement and what it meant for all those who’ve had limitations placed on them by others. What it meant to Jamie and to thousands of other young boys and girls, was groundbreaking and industry changing. She was the first, and hopefully not the last. As Areva Martin said, (and I’m paraphrasing here), no good comes from being the first if you aim is to also the last. We must be the first, so others can come after and succeed as well.


         (Images provided by Leroy Hamilton and Diamond Dust Photography)

Maxine Tatlonghari provided deep insight into the launch of her beauty company, Vanity Girl Hollywood. An inside, frank discussion on what it took to make it work! Proving that sometimes it really does take someone else to believe in you. You need that support, whether it’s a teacher, a friend, a mentor, or someone who see’s potential in you and your dream.


Galina Sobolev, spoke openly about her humble beginnings and the journey and strength she needed to find in order to succeed and launch Single Dress. She too spoke of the support needed to flourish. Going deeper, further explaining her purpose and drive for creating Single Plus and what that means for all women regardless of shape or size.  


Later the Pink Pump Gala continued with a fashion show and silent auction. Proceeds from the event and luncheon at The Four Season’s Beverly Hills went directly to funding JPAC the summer camp, which provides a safe and nurturing environment for children with special needs and those who are autistic, who come from underserved communities.  JPAC is a unique and important camp and benefits from the direct charitable donations. To Learn more about JPAC please visit SNN or click here.

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