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Words From The Runway

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Quick and Easy Roasted Garlic, Tomato, Red Pepper, Carrot Soup

With all the rain Los Angeles has seen in the last two weeks, it’s been like a collective 6 days, hey… that’s a lot for my city, there was nothing more I wanted to enjoy than a nice, hearty soup. So, I decided to whip up a new recipe and here it is! Ta-da! What are some of your favorite soups to enjoy on a cold and rainy day.

Make sure to let me know by heading over to @wordsfromtherunway on Instagram. 

After you make this soup, obviously. 


1) First, you’re gonna wanna smash some garlic, like a lot of it. Like, 3 bulbs worth. I know, it’s a lot. Adjust as you see fit. Then you’re gonna heat a large dutch oven. Drop in half a stick of butter, I know, it’s a lot of butter. You do you, though. I’ll do this. Drop in the garlic. Stir. Keep on stirring, constantly, you don’t want it burning. Just golden, like the sun. 

2) While the garlic is doing its thing, turn the heat on low, but watch it. If it looks like your garlic is burning, turn it off and wait until your done prepping. I’m terrible and prepping my veggies in advance, so just do your best. Now, you’re gonna want to wash all of your veggies, for this recipe I grabbed like two bunches of vine ripe tomatoes. I used about 4-5 multi-colored carrots, cut the ends off, and 4 peppers. Rinse all the veggies and chop as desired. I just do whatever feels good in the moment. Go with that. 

3) Now, back to the dutch oven, the garlic should be like… pretty golden at this point, the butter should be slightly brown, but not too dark. Toss in a whole lotta’ parsley, I used dried for this recipe, because I’m lazy. But, ya know, obviously fresh is better. I went with like, idk, 3 tablespoons of that goodness. 

4) Now mix, and then arrange your tomatoes in the bottom of the dutch oven first, and add the rest of the veggies around, making sure you cover the entire bottom of the dutch oven and up the sides is fine, too. They’re gonna all get cooked and roasted eventually. 

5) Turn your oven on, I forgot to mention that. You’ll wanna pre-heat that sucker… crank it up to like 425. Toss the dutch oven in uncovered and set a timer for 15 minutes. Now, at this point, it’s really a guessing game. I like to check and stir my soups every 15 minutes from here on out. But again, you only live once, so set it and forget… honestly, you could leave it probably roasting for a good 30 minutes and be fine before checking it again. 

6) Now, at this point, after about 45 minutes your tomatoes and garlic should be really soft. The carrots may take longer, it just depends on your oven and how you chopped/prepped your veggies. I like to add in salt and pepper at this point, but you could easily add it in before, in fact, I definitely added it in before I put it in the oven, but now’s a good time to do a little taste test. The butter and water released from the veggies should be pretty blended together. Dip your spoon all in there and see how it tastes. Good? If not, add more salt or pepper, you could also add in two tied sprigs of Rosemary, I did! 

7) After about 1 hour your soup should be ready to puree! Test the firmness of the veggies, if they’re all soft, grab that emersion blender and HAVE AT IT. Don’t have an emersion blender, if you’re over the age of 28 and you don’t have one, what are you doing with your time in the kitchen? We need to have a serious talk. I realized I didn’t mention this before, but obviously, you’re gonna wanna remove the dutch oven from the oven before you try to blend it, I mean, I don’t know… some people these days, you can’t tell. 

8) Now, go at it. Blend away, your soup should start to come together. At this point, you can leave it as is, or if you want a thicker soup, I did, you’ll want to add in about 2-3 heaping tablespoons of cornstarch. I also elected to make a roux with the cornstarch and some of the broth/pureed soup in a bowl, then added that to the soup. 

9) Hang in there, were like, seriously almost done. Return the soup to the stovetop and heat while stirring for like idk, 10 minutes. 

10) Yay! We did it. Serve that soup up with some nice creme fraiche. Don’t have that, you can sprinkle some blue cheese or feta cheese on top. It’s so good! Sprinkle with additional parsley and boom. 

Pureed soup, you’re welcome. 

Let me know how yours turned out in the comments below.

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